Tuesday, April 25, 2006


When I was a kid I dreamt of days when I would be able to buy a Nike shoe without running around my parents , without proving myself to be the best , without any competition.

After fifteen years I stand and look back and I feel times have not changed.

My parents are still there but their position has been occupied by some managers , a company , some peers . I have to continuously prove myself , outperform , be the best and then I can earn my bread.

Men compete in life for money , for cars , for girls(gays can excuse me) , for anything and everything.

Read an article as to why competition is good and after hearing some Delhi Public School kids fighting over the advantages of “healthy “ competition I am convinced that there is no bigger an evil than this.

I've seen good friends falling apart , couples drifting away for a small reason as “my spouse earns more “ , engineers loosing sleep , parents loosing control ,dogs running away and cats jumping in the well .....

Take this : there is nothing as : “healthy competition “. Competition can never be healthy , if its healthy then we would not compete in the first place , we would all share . For example if there is a football match then both teams would play , join hands in the end and say “ we had a good game and both of us emerge victorious “. What ? Who'z gonna come and watch such a match ?

People enjoy watching competition . WWF has been a major success . What is shown is all fake but what appears to the eye is men (and now women too) competing hard to prove their supremacy .

At times I wonder why was this planet created. Its fine if it got anyway but when humans and animals joined competition started . Food , sex ,land .... and you name it and we'll compete for it .

When humans got tired from the same monotonous competition , we started playing football and cricket and believe me every year many die fighting for their heroes .

Competition gives rise to perfection , with perfection we'll have a better planet , better this and better that and .....everything would be better !! You better believe it .

What would happen if you have more cars , better cars , beautiful cars ,isn't it all about perception . Somebody who like choppers (count me in ) would never appreciate a Ferrari anyway.

Many in my land dream to migrate to greener pastures , easy food , easy money and “less competition “ . Hmm this is interesting now – Competing hard for less competition in the end !!

I dream of days when kids would buy a Nike shoe without proving themselves , where girlfriends won't crib if you have a small car , where you won't have to out perform , where you can play and loose and still feel a winner , where ..

My Manager is here and guess what is he asking ?

“Mr Rawat , time for your performance review !! “


Anonymous said...

I like the way u've totally written off "Healthy Competition" - i agree - you either win or loose -- theres no middle path.

And kids these days along with their parents have it tougher -just try getting an admission into an "A Grade" school

Anonymous said...

:).... revert bk to darwin - survival of the fittest.. he seems to agree with you !
- jyo

Anurag Chitlangia said...

I was wondering competition was only in India might be because of population. I live in a country with population 700,000, isn't that like a big university in India. You have no competition here, not in studies at least, it's only or mostly there for gals.
These kids grow up wearing Nike shoes, for which we competed hard in India. Now in this globalization we stand head to head with them. They want to gift their kids Nike shoe, but now these fathers of kids have to compete with us to buy a pair of shoe for their kids. I think competition is unavoidable healthy or unhealthy, its Darwinian principle, survival of fittest.